Professional Tile Cleaning
in Pasco, Kennewick, Richland WA
Routine and Emergencies 866-816-1960
Residential and Commercial
Most tile and grout cleaners rely on water pressure or steam to clean hard surfaces. These floor cleaning methods can be inefficient and, in some cases can actually damage your tile and grout flooring!
We use the Rotovac because it uses a combination of rotary nylon cleaning brush bristles and spray jet to thoroughly clean tile and grout. The spray jets can use heated or unheated water at high pressure while the nylon brush bristles scrub the floor surface, the vacuum slots then suck up the water, grime and grit and results in clean, sparkling tile and brilliant grout once again!
And don’t forget the best part. Once we’re done making your tile and grout sparkling clean, we can use the same machine with a different cleaning head to clean your carpets in no time! We are proud to offer carpet and hard floor surface cleaning. Call today for a custom quote. 866-816-1960.
We look forward to deep cleaning your floors for you!